More than 20 years ago, critical care workers first observed that oxyg
enation improved when patients with acute respiratory distress syndrom
e were ventilated in the prone position. In recent reports, on turning
prone, from 50 to 100% of patients improve oxygenation to a degree su
fficient to allow a reduction in the level of positive end-expiratory
pressure or fraction of inspired oxygen. It appears that vascular cond
uctance in lung regions previously in the dorsal position is augmented
by an increase in air space volume, with the effect that prone positi
on ventilation will reduce shunt and improve ventilation-perfusion mis
match, Factors determining which patients will respond have not yet be
en elucidated. Although many questions regarding the role of prone ven
tilation are unanswered, of greatest importance is whether this techni
que reduces morbidity and mortality of patients with acute respiratory
failure. Only carefully conducted, randomized trials can answer this