Objectives. Fibromyalgia [FMS] remains a poorly understood disorder ch
aracterized by a number of symptoms [pain, fatigues, sleep disturbance
and psychological distress], but few physical findings and normal rou
tine laboratory tests, Many of the most important symptoms of FMS are
shared by other syndromes such as chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable
bowel syndrome, chronic headaches, pelvic pain syndromes, and temporom
andibular disorders, These syndromes fall into the spectrum of ''stres
s-related illnesses'' by virtue of the clinical observation that the o
nset of the disorder often coincides with physical or psychological st
ress, and because the course of the symptoms is strongly influenced by
the perceived level of life stress. The physiologic stress response s
ystems interact with other neuroendocrine axes, particularly those tha
t affect growth and reproduction, We will review research supporting a
n association between FMS and perturbed function of stress response sy
stems and other neuroendocrine axes. Conclusions. Currently available
research indicates that multiple neuroendocrine pathways ale disturbed
in patients with FMS. It is not clear whether these disturbances rend
er patients vulnerable to the development of FMS, develop as a consequ
ence of the disorder, or are consequent to other neurochemical disturb
ances. Further research is needed to clarify the role of neuroendocrin
e axes in FMS.