Reuse is widely promoted as one of the most promising methods for incr
easing productivity and quality within software development. Until rec
ently most research into strategies for systematic reuse has focused o
n solution of the technical issues. Now as companies (mostly IT focuse
d) implement the strategies developed, they find there are other issue
s which hold back their success, somewhat unrelated to the technical s
olutions offered. Reuse processes are not simple technologies and meth
ods slotted into a development, like the transition in design notation
from traditional approaches to an object-orientated method. Whereas t
echnology changes involve retraining developers. Reuse requires the wh
ole organisation and funding of development to be revised. If the magn
itude of change involved in transitioning an IT organisation is so enc
ompassing, where does this leave the rest of industry which is increas
ingly reliant on software to support their business process? This pape
r looks at organisational and management issues raised by the introduc
tion of software reuse to the development process. We identify inhibit
ors of reuse adoption, look at causes of these and suggest possible so
lutions. We aim to concisely present all those non-technical issues th
at should be considered when introducing a reuse program. Considered a
lso is how these issues affect companies which have IT in only a busin
ess support capacity, making this paper relevant throughout industry.