An efficient method has been developed for. the application of the sur
face acoustic impedance condition in time-domain solutions of aeroacou
stic problems, such as the broadband-frequency simulation of a flow-im
pedance tube, The basis for this method is the standard impedance cond
ition stated in the frequency domain as the particle displacement cont
inuity equation. The development of the time-domain impedance conditio
n follows the relations among the frequency. z-, and discrete-time dom
ains and a rational function representation of the impedance in the z-
domain. The resultant impedance condition consists of finite, infinite
-impulse-response type, digital filter operations in the time domain,
which is very suitable to computational aeroacoustics algorithms. This
paper describes the present approach and discusses the time-domain nu
merical simulations of the NASA Langley how-impedance tube with a cons
tant depth ceramic tubular liner. Both single and broadband-frequency
simulations are performed. Excellent agreement is shown with experimen
tal data at various frequencies and flow conditions. (C) 1998 Academic