The pelagial communities of lakes undergo dramatic changes during the
course of acidification and all major groups of organisms; algae, roti
fers and crustaceans showing a reduction in number of species. Calanoi
d copepods, Eudiaptomus gracilis in particular, increase in relative i
mportance, cladocerans become less important, and daphnids are lost. T
he decrease in diversity in the plankton community is more apparent in
clear-water lakes than in humic lakes. Invertebrate zooplanktivores,
especially, increase in importance after the loss of fish species. The
increase in concentration of hydrogen ion and metals have had a direc
t impact on reproduction and survival of both algae and invertebrates.
Indirect effects contributing to reduced diversity are altered specie
s structure via predatory and competitive changes, and impact on pathw
ays and rates for nutrient cycling.