Marx radicalizes the dissolution of the term of justice which began in
theories of enlightenment by breaking the tradition oriented towards
the law and the state. On the basis of theoretical and political texts
the article however shows that Marx remains trapped within the discou
rse on justice mainly because he establishes a fundamental relation be
tween theory and labour movement. There are two implicit terms of just
ice in Marx's work. While the relative one refers to civil society, th
e absolute one is linked to communism. Only partially in his late writ
ings, Marx considered the tension between these two terms as a methodi
cal problem. Thus he discusses the preconditions of social justice wit
hout conceptualizing them. The decoupling of the term ''social'' from
being an essential attribute of a post-revolutionary societal order wa
s the precondition for the career of the concept of social justice in
the 20th century.