Ascomycetous black yeasts show adaptations to a wide array of environm
ental conditions. Dothideaceous black yeasts are mostly found on plant
leaves, while among herpotrichiellaceous species there are numerous o
pportunists on humans. Factors which are of ecological significance in
clude the presence of melanin and carotene, formation of thick cell wa
lls and meristematic growth, presence of yeast-like phases, presence o
f additional forms of conidiogenesis, thermo- and osmotolerance, adhes
ion, hydrophobicity, production of extracellular polysaccharides, side
rophores and acidic or alkaline secondary metabolites. The potential p
athogenicity of a species is partly determined by its natural ecologic
al niche. Dothideaceous black yeasts are osmotolerant rather than path
ogenic. Herpotrichiellaceous black yeasts probably have low competitiv
e ability and are found in rather special niches as secondary saprophy
tes, e.g., on bacterial mats, on other fungi or in poor environments.
Some species possibly utilize animal vectors for dispersal.