A review is presented of the extrapolation methods for accelerating th
e convergence of Sommerfeld-type integrals (i.e., semi-infinite range
integrals with Bessel function kernels), which arise in problems invol
ving antennas or scatterers embedded in planar multilayered media. Att
ention is limited to partition-extrapolation procedures in which the S
ommerfeld integral is evaluated as a sum of a series of partial integr
als over finite subintervals and is accelerated by an extrapolation me
thod applied over the real-axis tail segment (a, infinity) of the inte
gration path, where a>0 is selected to ensure that the integrand is we
ll behaved. An analytical form of the asymptotic truncation error (or
the remainder), which characterizes the convergence properties of the
sequence of partial sums and serves as a basis for some of the most ef
ficient extrapolation methods, is derived. Several extrapolation algor
ithms deemed to be the most suitable for the Sommerfeld integrals are
described and their performance is compared. It is demonstrated that t
he performance of these methods is strongly affected by the horizontal
displacement of the source and field points rho and by the choice of
the subinterval break points. Furthermore, it is found that some well-
known extrapolation techniques may fail for a number of values of rho
and ways to remedy this are suggested. Finally, the most effective ext
rapolation methods for accelerating Sommerfeld integral tails are reco