La necropoli di Este tra 4. e 2. secolo a.C.: i corredi dello scavo 2001/2002 in via Versori (ex fondo Capodaglio)

Anna Bondini, La necropoli di Este tra 4. e 2. secolo a.C.: i corredi dello scavo 2001/2002 in via Versori (ex fondo Capodaglio), Ocnus (Bologna) Quaderni della scuola di specializzazione in archeologia , 13, 2005, pp. 45-87
ISSN journal
Year of publication
45 - 87
SICI code
Between 2001 and 2002 an emergency excavation was carried out in the souther necropolis of Este (Padua), via Versori n. 59, in the area of the ex-Capodaglio. In the layers datable to the 4th and 3rd centuries B.C. several cremation tombs and a structure for body cremation (ustrinum) were found, together with inhumation graves. The burial furnishings are very interesting, in that they concern a so far not very well-known period, which lacks an analytical study on materials, especially with regard to the period of transition to the Roman Age. Most of the tombs display single depositions and are characterised by quite plain equipment, apart from grave 14, which shows several individuals buried within a period of a century. In the latter a latènian iron Sword and a Scabbard (datable to the beginning of 2nd century B.C.) were found. The material culture concerns the so-called "IV Period" of Este (from the second half of 4th to the beginning of 2nd century B.C.), and is characterised by the presence of massive grey pottery and latènian ornaments. All Este necropolis sectors show similar features, both in terms of topography and stores. It thus semms possible to achieve more precise chronological data for the 4th and 3rd centuries B.C. within the Este and Euganean area.