Derrate alimentari nell'economia della comunità etrusco-celtica di Monte Bibele. Studio archeobotanico della Casa 2

Marialetizia Carra et al., Derrate alimentari nell'economia della comunità etrusco-celtica di Monte Bibele. Studio archeobotanico della Casa 2, Ocnus (Bologna) Quaderni della scuola di specializzazione in archeologia , 13, 2005, pp. 147-160
ISSN journal
Year of publication
147 - 160
SICI code
This article deals with the new archaeobotanical results concerning House number 2 of the etruscan-celtic settlement of Pianella di Monte Savino (Monte Bibele, Monterenzio - Bologna). The information acquired points out the different aspects of the subsistence economy of the local community, highlighting especially the alimentary use of the identified species, the importance of agriculture in their economy and the conservation techniques of food-stuffs. Agriculture was based mainly on the cultivation of traditional wheats and barley even if the so-called poor cereals, such as Setaria italica (L.) Beauv. and Avena sp., were also present in a small percentage. An important role in the vegetable diet of the community consisted of pulses such as Pisum sativum L. and Vicia faba L. var. minor. Flax enriched the list of crops. The picking of wild edible fruits seems to play only a slightly important role in comparison with the previous periods.