Acquisire e comunicare il dato archeologico: nuove indagini sulle strutture murarie a Ravenna (2003-2005)

Andrea Fiorini, Acquisire e comunicare il dato archeologico: nuove indagini sulle strutture murarie a Ravenna (2003-2005), Ocnus (Bologna) Quaderni della scuola di specializzazione in archeologia , 13, 2005, pp. 199-206
ISSN journal
Year of publication
199 - 206
SICI code
Since Spring 2003, the professorship of Mediaval Archaeology at the Faculty of the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (Department of Archaeology, Ravenna9, has started a series of historical-archaeological research on some medieval buildings in Ravenna and in the sorrounding territory. At the present time, the principal phase of this research has been completed by means of Laser Scanner 3d in building 2 2storehouses2 located near the archaeological site of Classe. Stratigraphic analysis of the excavations carried out in the masonry of the ex church of S. Nicolò, of the "Casa di Drogdone" and of the Bishop2s Palace in Ravenna, has been completed as well. On the one hand, the researches carried out on the medieval factories are aimed at gathering new information which can be helpful to understand the historical processes concerning Ravenna during the medieval age. On the other hand, they are meant to develop new important methods, such as the analysis and the 3d representation of archaeological remains and, above all, the testing of a 3d data-base system of the stratigraphic evidences by means of GIS application.