Sculture e scultori a Phoinike tra età ellenistica ed epoca romana

Luca Mercuri, Sculture e scultori a Phoinike tra età ellenistica ed epoca romana, Ocnus (Bologna) Quaderni della scuola di specializzazione in archeologia , 13, 2005, pp. 229-249
ISSN journal
Year of publication
229 - 249
SICI code
The aim of my work is the examination of the nearly unpublished sculptures found in Phoinike and in its territory since Ugolini's excavations until 2003. The iconographic and stylistic analysis, and, in some propitious cases, the study of the stratigraphic contexts, give us the possibility to insert our documentation in a chronological sequence, linked to the historical development of the site. In the Hellenistic age, we recognize the activity of local artists: like the marbles, the iconographic models of their statues are imported, probably from Attica, but modified with some originality. In this phase of urbanistic expansion and monumentalization of the site, a visible strong public power directs the production towards the decoration of sacred areas (e.g. Dober) and, probably, of public buildings. In the imperial age, in opposition to the Hellenistic situation, the activity of the ateliers of Phoinike is influenced by the workshop of the near colony of Butrint; the sculptural production in the site goes on, anyway, at least until the Late-Roman age, although in a less original way and in conformity with the middle qualitative level of most the contemporary provincial towns.