Studies of the effects of above-ground herbivory on soil organisms and
decomposer food webs, as well as the processes that they regulate, ha
ve largely concentrated on the effects of non-living inputs into the s
oil, such as dung, urine, body parts and litter. However, there is an
increasing body of information which points to the importance of plant
physiological responses to herbivory in regulating soil organisms and
therefore, implicitly, key soil processes such as decomposition and n
utrient mineralisation. In this review we identify the mechanisms by w
hich foliar herbivory may indirectly affect the soil biota and associa
ted below-ground processes through affecting plants, so as to better u
nderstand the nature of interactions which exist between above-ground
and below-ground biota. We consider two broad pathways by which above-
ground foliar herbivory may affect soil biotic communities. The first
of these occurs through herbivore effects on patterns of root exudatio
n and carbon allocation. These effects manifest themselves either as s
hort-term changes in plant C allocation and root exudation or as long-
term changes in root biomass and morphology. Evidence suggests that th
ese mechanisms positively influence the size and activity of the soil
biotic community and may alter the supply of nutrients in the rhizosph
ere for plant uptake and regrowth. The second of these involves herbiv
ores influencing soil organisms through altering the quality of input
of plant litter. Possible mechanisms by which this occurs are through
herbivory enhancing nitrogen contents of root litter, through herbivor
y affecting production of secondary metabolites and concentrations of
nutrients in foliage and thus in leaf litter and through selective fol
iar feeding causing shifts in plant community structure and thus the n
ature of litter input to the soil. While the effects of herbivory on s
oil organisms via plant responses maybe extremely important, the direc
tions of these effects are often unpredictable because several mechani
sms are often involved and because of the inherently complex nature of
soil food-web interactions; this creates obvious difficulties in deve
loping general principles about how herbivory affects soil food-webs.
Finally, it is apparent that very little is understood on how response
s of soil organisms to herbivory affect those ecosystem-level processe
s regulated by the soil food-web (e.g. decomposition, nutrient mineral
isation) and that such information is essential in developing a balanc
ed understanding about how herbivory affects ecosystem function. (C) 1
998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.