Diagnosis is an essential prerequisite for the control programs of sch
istosomiasis. Chinese scientists have been making efforts for decades
towards the development of immunological approach in an attempt to off
er alternatives of or supplements to parasitological diagnosis. The au
thors outline briefly the main advances in the research of immunodiagn
osis for schistosomiasis japonica in China in two catalogues: antibody
detection and antigen detection. A number of immunodiagnostic assays
based on antibody detection, which have been used widely in the contro
l programs in China, are appraised in terms of sensitivity and specifi
city, and the achievements in the development of immunodiagnostic assa
ys based on antigen detection are introduced. Readers will find some i
nformation concerning the efforts so far made by Chinese scientists in
the improvement of immunodiagnosis by use of molecular approach, incl
uding search for biochemically and/or immunochemically isolated and/or
purified antigens, recombinant antigens and anti idiotypic reagents o
f diagnostic interest to construct defined antigen-antibody systems fo
r diagnosis, and development of monoclonal antibody-based assays for a
ntibody or antigen detections.