This paper investigates the vibration of an annular disk that is subje
cted to rotation and in-plane frictional traction distributed over a s
ector of the disk's two faces. Technical applications include noise, v
ibration, and harshness in automotive and aircraft disk brakes, clutch
es, transmissions, and other rotating machine components. To the degre
e that the rotor-to-stator friction in such cases is directed along th
e disk's deformable surface, it is treated here as a nonconservative f
ollower-type load. The vibration model incorporates membrane stiffness
which derives both front rotation, and from the stresses established
as a result of friction The plane stress state is determined in closed
form as a Fourier series, and that solution is compared,vith the comp
anion, but computationally intensive, results from finite element anal
ysis. For the cases of sector-shaped and full annular loading, the vib
ration model predicts the critical mode, which is defined as the one t
hat becomes dynamically unstable at the lowest friction level. Vibrati
on modes and propagating waves that fall into opposite symmetry classe
s are shown to have opposite stability characteristics in the presence
of frictional loading.