The purpose of this qualitative study is to understand and compare two
immigrant families whose children perceived their families to be well
-functioning, and two families whose children perceived them to be poo
r-functioning The method of analysis used for studying the values of t
he families is based on. SYMLOG. Four families, who immigrated to Isra
el during the early seventies fi om the former USSR, and whose adolesc
ents were born in Israel, were interviewed. The results show that in t
he two ''well-functioning'' families, there is a high degree of consen
sus on, their values - those that they accept, as well as, those that
they reject. The two ''poor-functioning'' families did not exhibit ide
ntical value patterns - neither in the values that they favor nor in,
those that they reject. In terms of content, in the well-functioning f
amilies, there was a strong expression of two values: friendliness and
the desirability of self-sacrifice in order to reach family goals. In
, contrast, in the poor-functioning families, the value of conservatis
m was salient. Finally, all four families expressed strong opposition
to the values of strong individualism and nonconformity. Suggestions f
or family intervention are offered.