Decompression of the fascial compartments of the leg is a fairly commo
n procedure that is carried out therapeutically and prophylactically.
It is submitted that the guidance offered by the average surgical text
s are unclear and imprecise. A junior surgeon would be led to believe
that all four compartments require decompression, whereas it is distin
ctly uncommon for compartments other than the anterior to suffer compr
ession. Anatomic reasons are offered for this predilection. The incisi
ons advised often extend the full length of the leg; not only is this
unneccessary but considerable morbidity may result. A case report is p
resented which underlines the result of an ill placed incision and unf
amiliarity with the detailed anatomy of the anterolateral leg muscles.
An incision is suggested which is very unlikely to lead to failure to
decompress and which should avoid complications. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss,