Osteoclasts are multinucleated monocyte-macrophage derivatives that de
grade bone. Their specialized role is central to a process that contin
uously removes and replaces segments of the skeleton in the higher ver
tebrates. Osteoclasts allow skeletal mineral to be used to manage extr
acellular calcium activity, which is an important adaptation for life
on land, and solid skeletal structure to be replaced by hollow archite
cture that has a superior strength-to-weight ratio. Degrading bone als
o allows periodic repair and remodeling for ordered growth and efficie
nt response to mechanical loads. A fairly comprehensive view of osteoc
lastic ontogeny and function is emerging from recent studies. Osteocla
sts dissolve bone mineral by massive acid secretion and secrete specia
lized proteinases that degrade the organic matrix, mainly type I colla
gen, in this acidic milieu. The site of bone dissolution is a high-cal
cium environment; removal of degradation products by transcytosis of m
embrane vesicles allows the osteoclast to maintain a normal intracellu
lar calcium. Osteoclastic differentiation is normally balanced with bo
ne formation, although bone formation is the function of unrelated str
omal cell-derived osteoblasts. Interactions between osteoclast precurs
ors and bone-forming cells are believed to control osteoclast differen
tiation under most circumstances, preserving bone architecture over ma
ny cycles of bone replacement. BioEssays 20:837-846, 1998. (C) 1998 Jo
hn Wiley & Sons, Inc.