Effect of mineral restriction was studied to clarify which mineral in
the diet is most indispensable in preventing paraquat (PQ) toxicosis.
ODS rats were chosen as the experimental animal owing to the inability
to synthesize vitamin C similarly to humans. Rats were fed with eithe
r mineral-adequate or restricted diets dosed with 125 ppm PQ. The mine
ral-adequate diet was based on the American Institute of Nutrition-76,
and the restricted diet was one-half the amounts, Measurements were m
ade on the onset day of PQ toxicosis, body weight changes during the f
eeding experiment, and changes of two acute phase reactant proteins -
cysteine proteinase inhibitor and alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor. The mi
nerals tested were divided into three classes: I, largely needed, Ca.
K, Na, and Mg; II, moderately needed, Mn, Fe, Zn. and Cu; and III, min
utely needed, Cr and Se, respectively. Rats fed with a Mg-restricted d
iet showed a severe toxicosis but those with a K-restricted diet, a mi
ld toxicosis, No appreciable effect was observed by restriction of oth
er minerals. A synergistic effect was observed in the restriction of M
g and K.