An investigation was made of the photoluminescence and differential ab
sorption spectra of phosphate glasses containing embedded CdSe nanopar
ticles, These spectra were determined by the pump-and-probe method. Th
e photoluminescence spectrum included a short-wavelength band resultin
g from direct recombination of electron - hole (eh) pairs and a long-w
avelength band associated with carrier recombination via deep levels o
f defects. Two peaks, attributed to the 1S(e) --> 1S(3/2) and 1S(e) --
> 2S(3/2) transitions, were observed in the short-wavelength photolumi
nescence band at high excitation rates. The kinetics of the differenti
al absorption spectra was explained by saturation of the absorption of
the exciton (eh) transitions and by the appearance, in the excited na
noparticles, of the absorption corresponding to two-pair (2eh) states.