Mortality caused by harvesting can select for life history changes in
the harvested stock. Should this possibility be taken into account in
the management of renewable resources? I compare the performance of di
fferent harvest strategies when evolutionary change is accounted for w
ith the help of an age-structured population dynamics model. Assuming
that age of first reproduction is the only evolving trait, harvesting
of only mature individuals selects for delayed maturation and results
in increased sustainable yields. Unselective harvesting of both mature
and immature fish selects for earlier maturation which causes the sus
tainable yield to decrease. Constant stock size and constant harvest r
ate strategies perform equally well in terms of maximum sustainable yi
eld, both before and after evolutionary change. The maximum sustainabl
e yield for fixed-quota strategies is lower. All those strategies have
similar evolutionary consequences given a similar average harvest rat
e. Coevolutionary dynamics between fish stock and the stock manager in
dicate that the evolutionary benefits of selective harvesting are atta
inable without incurring yield losses in the near future.