B. Rouvier et al., OXYGEN IN THE FIELD HOSPITALS (THE PRESENT EXPERIENCE OF THE FRENCH MILITARY HEALTH-SERVICE), Bulletin de l'Academie nationale de medecine, 182(6), 1998, pp. 1209-1218
A fifty per cent oxygen ratio loocks quite sufficient for putting at s
leep war wounded patient. After the present time, every french field s
urgical structures are equiped with oxygen extractors. Turthermore, th
ose teams have at heir disposal for several years, oxygen generators,
working with sodium chlorate candels. Those one can fill oxygen cylind
ers (3,5 l at 90 or 150 bars), promiding pure oxygen, which will ever
be essential under exceptionnal conditions During war period, the supp
ly difficulties demand to have at disposal two different production ca
pabilites for oxygen administration.