Monte Carlo simulations are performed to examine superconductivity and
charge-density-wave fluctuations in the infinite-dimensional electron
-phonon Holstein model. The electron-phonon system interpolates betwee
n an attractive, static, Falicov-Kimball model that always exhibits ch
arge-density-wave order and an attractive, instantaneous, Hubbard mode
l that always superconducts as a function of phonon frequency. The max
imum charge-density-wave transition temperature at half-filling is an
order of magnitude smaller than the effective electronic bandwidth and
is virtually independent of the phonon frequency. The maximum superco
nducting transition temperature depends strongly on phonon frequency a
nd is bounded from above by the maximum charge-density-wave transition
temperature. The exact solution is compared to both weak-coupling exp
ansions and strong-coupling expansions. The effective phonon potential
becomes anharmonic and develops a double-well structure that deepens
as the electron-phonon interaction increases.