The Human Genome Project has successfully completed all the major goal
s in its current 5-year plan, covering the period 1993-98. A new plan,
for 1998-2003, is presented, in which human DNA sequencing will be th
e major emphasis. An ambitious schedule has been set to complete the f
ull sequence by the end of 2003, 2 years ahead of previous projections
. In the course of completing the sequence, a ''working draft'' of the
human sequence will be produced by the end of 2001. The plan also inc
ludes goals for sequencing technology development; for studying human
genome sequence variation; for developing technology for functional ge
nomics; for completing the sequence of Caenorhabditis elegans and Dros
ophila melanogaster and starting the mouse genome; for studying the et
hical, Legal, and social implications of genome research; for bioinfor
matics and computational studies; and for training of genome scientist