Concentrations of nitrate in stream water throughout the world are rep
orted to be elevated relative to natural background levels. This enric
hment is commonly attributed to anthropogenic activities such as atmos
pheric emissions(1), livestock feeding(2), agricultural runoff(3,4), t
imber harvesting practices(5) and domestic/ industrial affluent discha
rge(4,6). Here we show that bedrock containing appreciable concentrati
ons of fixed nitrogen contribute a surprisingly large amount of nitrat
e to surface waters in certain California watersheds, to an extent tha
t even small areas of these rocks have a profound influence on water q
uality. As 75% of the rocks now exposed at the Earth's surface are sed
imentary in origin(7), and as these rocks contain about 20% of the glo
bal nitrogen inventory(8), 'geological' nitrogen may be a large and hi
therto unappreciated source of nitrate to surface waters. Such a natur
al nitrate source may be especially significant given that nitrate con
tamination at very low levels can contribute to surface water eutrophi
cation(9), may cause infant methaemoglobinaemia ('blue baby' syndrome)
(6) and has been implicated in certain cancers(6). In addition, geolog
ical nitrogen may be a source of the 'missing' nitrogen noted in sever
al biogeochemical studies of ecosystem nitrogen budgets(1).