Zebra dolomites, characterized by a repetition of dark grey (a) and li
ght (b) coloured dolomite sheets building up abbabba-sequences, occur
in Dinantian strata from deep boreholes (> 2000 m) south of the Braban
t-Wales Massif in Belgium. These zebra dolomite sequences are several
tens of metres thick. The dark grey dolomite sheets (a) consist of non
-planar crystals, 80-150 mu m in diameter. These crystals display a mo
ttled red-orange luminescence and are interpreted to be replacive in o
rigin. The white dolomite sheets (b) consist of coarse crystalline non
planar b(1) dolomite, which evolves outwards into transparent saddle s
haped b(2) dolomite. The b(1) dolomites possess a mottled red-orange l
uminescence similar to the a dolomites, while the saddle shaped bz rim
s display red to dark brown luminescent-zones, The b(1) dolomites are
possibly partly replacive and partly cavity filling. Their b2 rims dis
play criteria typical for a cement origin. Locally, cavities exist bet
ween two succeeding white dolomite sheets. These cavities make up appr
oximate to 5% of the zebra rocks and are locally filled by saddle shap
ed ankerite and/or xenomorphic ferroan calcite. Geochemical and fluid
inclusion data (T-h approximate to 120 degrees C) indicate a burial di
agenetic origin for these zebra dolomites. The a and b(1) dolomites ar
e characterized by similar geochemical compositions and fluid inclusio
n data pointing toward a related origin. To explain the development of
the zebra textures, suprahydrostatic pressures in conjunction with la
te Variscan tectonic compression are invoked. A model involving dolomi
tizing fluids expelled during the Variscan orogeny is proposed. An ove
rpressured system is also invoked to explain the important porosity de
velopment, the creation of centimetre-scale subvertical displacements
of the zebra pattern and the microfractures affecting the b(1)-b(2) do
lomite crystals.