Study Design. This prospective study consisted of mechanical stimulati
on of cervical nerve roots C4 to C8 in patients with cervical radicula
r symptoms undergoing diagnostic selective nerve root block. Objective
s. To document the distribution of pain and paresthesias that result f
rom stimulation of specific cervical nerve roots and compare that dist
ribution to documented sensory dermatomal maps. Summary of Background
Data. Cervical dermatomes were first studied in the late 19th century.
The results of those studies underpin current clinical decision makin
g for patients with neck and arm pain. However, it has been observed t
hat patients with radicular symptoms may have cervical pathology by ra
diographic imaging that is not corroborative, or have imaging studies
that suggest a lesion at a level other than the one suggested by the p
atient's dermatomal symptoms. These observations may suggest that cerv
ical dermatomal mapping is inaccurate or the distribution of referred
symptoms (dynatome) from cervical root irritation is different than th
e sensory deficit outlined by dermatomal maps. Methods. Inclusion crit
eria consisted of consecutive patients undergoing fluoroscopically gui
ded diagnostic cervical selective nerve root blocks from C4 to C8. Imm
ediately preceding contrast injection, mechanical stimulation of the r
oot was performed. An independent observer interviewed and recorded th
e location of provoked symptoms on a pain diagram. Visual data was sub
sequently compiled using a 793 body sector bit map. Forty-three clinic
ally relevant body regions were defined on this bit map. Frequencies o
f symptom provocation and likelihood of symptom location from C4 to C8
stimulation of each nerve root were generated. Results. One hundred t
hirty-four cervical nerve root stimulations were performed on 87 subje
cts. There were 4 nerve root stimulations at C4, 14 at C5, 43 at C6, 5
2 at C7, and 21 at C8. Analyzing the frequency of involvement of the p
redetermined clinically relevant body regions either individually or i
n various combinations yielded more than 1,000 bits of data. Although
the distribution of symptom provocation resembled the classic dermatom
al maps for cervical nerve roots, symptoms were frequently provoked ou
tside of the distribution of classic dermatomal maps. Conclusion. The
current study demonstrates a distinct difference between dynatomal and
dermatomal maps.