The presence of jaundice in the neonate, infant or young child present
s a broad differential diagnosis. The 'disease' may be benign, as in b
reast-milk jaundice, or potentially fatal, as in hereditary fructose i
ntolerance. The cause of the jaundice may be a primary hepatic disorde
r, such as extrahepatic biliary atresia, or secondary to a non-hepatic
cause, such as haemolysis or sepsis. There may be significant hepatic
injury and dysfunction, as in fulminant viral hepatitis, or simply el
evation of plasma bilirubin, as in Gilbert's syndrome. In this chapter
we will discuss the familial hyperbilirubinaemia syndromes. This dive
rse group of disorders is characterized by hepatic dysfunction in the
absence of hepatocellular injury. The first section of the chapter wil
l discuss the unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemias: Crigler-Najjar syndro
me I, Crigler-Najjar syndrome II and Gilbert's syndrome. The discovery
of the gene for bilirubin uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase
has increased our understanding of the genetic heterogeneity and clin
ical presentation of the Crigler-Najjar syndromes. The remainder of th
e chapter will discuss the conjugated hyperbilirubinaemias: Rotor synd
rome and Dubin-Johnson syndrome. These rare diseases share many clinic
al features; however, they can be readily distinguished by biochemical
markers in the urine and bile.