Changes in ethylene production and polyuronides in pear fruit on and o
ff the tree were investigated. In 'Marguerite Marillat' fruit, flesh f
irmness changed little after the optimum time for harvesting (OTH). By
contrast, firmness of 'La France' fruit decreased gradually after OTH
, reaching an average of 30 N for fruit left on the tree for 28 days a
fter OTH. The amount of water-soluble polyuronides increased slightly
during ripening on the tree. In both cultivars, the amount 28 days aft
er OTH was less than one-third of that in fruit harvested at OTH and r
ipened off the tree. Ethylene production did not increase substantiall
y until 28 and 14 days after OTH in 'Marguerite Marillat' and 'La Fran
ce' fruit, respectively. Pears off the tree softened to less than 10 N
independently of harvest date and cultivar. The amount of water-solub
le polyuronides in fruit softened after harvest increased significantl
y from that at harvest. In both cultivars, the texture of fruit harves
ted at 14 days and 28 days after OTH and ripened did not become butter
y and juicy. Those fruit had less water-soluble polyuronides than frui
t which developed a buttery and juicy texture. (C) 1998 Elsevier Scien
ce B.V. All rights reserved.