Jw. Durkee et al., SPECT ELECTRONIC COLLIMATION RESOLUTION ENHANCEMENT USING CHI-SQUARE MINIMIZATION, Physics in medicine and biology (Print), 43(10), 1998, pp. 2949-2974
An electronic collimation technique is developed which utilizes the ch
i-square goodness-of-fit measure to filter scattered gammas incident u
pon a medical imaging detector. In this data mining technique, Compton
kinematic expressions are used as the chi-square fitting templates fo
r measured energy-deposition data involving multiple-interaction scatt
er sequences. Fit optimization is conducted using the Davidon variable
metric minimization algorithm to simultaneously determine the best-fi
t gamma scatter angles and their associated uncertainties, with the un
certainty associated with the first scatter angle corresponding to the
angular resolution precision for the source. The methodology requires
no knowledge of materials and geometry. This pattern recognition appl
ication enhances the ability to select those gammas that will provide
the best resolution for input to reconstruction software. Illustrative
computational results are presented for a conceptual truncated-ellips
oid polystyrene position-sensitive fibre head-detector Monte Carlo mod
el using a triple Compton scatter gamma sequence assessment for a Tc-9
9m point source. A filtration rate of 94.3% is obtained, resulting in
an estimated sensitivity approximately three orders of magnitude great
er than a high-resolution mechanically collimated device. The techniqu
e improves the nominal single-scatter angular resolution by up to appr
oximately 24 per cent as compared with the conventional analytic elect
ronic collimation measure.