Because of its ease of calculation, the de Martonne aridity index (I-d
M) is used frequently by investigators for identifying susceptibility
to drought conditions. However, application of the classical I-dM form
ula in some geographical areas does not lead to a correct or complete
configuration of drought occurrence. This paper proposes a modified in
dex (I-Mod) with consideration of a general water-budget equation, ins
tead of precipitation alone as in the I-dM. This equation may contain
different components in accordance with the season to which it refers;
a pattern of three seasons is considered for the Napa Basin area. Equ
ation inputs are averaged monthly values. Assessment is affected by a
long series of factors, such as meteorological conditions, evapotransp
iration, land morphology and runoff, subsurface influx and drainage ca
pacity, soil cover/use, and irrigation. Since geographical conditions
dramatically change with the seasons, the I-Mod variation is large. In
comparison with the Palmer drought severity index, the main advantage
of the newly derived formula is its ease of use under such seasonally
changing conditions. It is concluded that use of the I-Mod allows a m
ore detailed description of drought character, enlarging the range con
sidered for the classical I-dM categories. The main objective of this
approach is to provide a basis for a more comprehensive consideration
of diversification in water- and land-resource planning. Although appl
ied to the Napa Basin, California, the general water-budget equation i
ncluded in the I-Mod could be adapted successfully to different landsc