OBJECTIVES. The purpose of this report is to examine whether differenc
es existed between patients who completed a baseline quality of life (
QoL) form before being informed about their randomized assignments ver
sus those who completed it after knowing their randomization assignmen
ts. METHODS. in the pilot phase of the Antiarrhythmics Versus Implanta
ble Defibrillators (AVID) study (n = 200), 113 patients completed a ba
seline QoL battery prior to randomization (drug versus defibrillator),
19 additional patients completed this battery after randomization, an
d 38 patients did not complete this battery. Baseline demographic, cli
nical and QoL data were compared for these groups. RESULTS. Although t
he two groups with QoL data were not significantly different regarding
various clinical and demographic characteristics, they did have signi
ficantly different QoL profiles. Patients with QoL collected before ra
ndomization had better overall QoL scores and mental health scores. CO
NCLUSIONS. These data suggest that patients with worse QoL may be less
willing to complete a baseline QoL form in a timely manner or that kn
owledge of the randomization assignment may have an effect on QoL.