Mononuclear cells were isolated by Ficoll-Hypaque density gradient cen
trifugation from randomly selected silicone breast implant recipients
for testing. Restricted antibody to HLA-DR (28-33 kD) depleted the con
canavalin A mitogenic response which was expected but failed to inhibi
t the proliferative response to silicon dioxide. Further testing with
monoclonal antibodies to HLA-DP, -DQ, and a second -DR with specificit
y for the NS1 region of the MHC class II genome, all markedly inhibite
d proliferation of T cells despite otherwise adequate stimulation by c
oncanavalin A or silicon dioxide. Monoclonal antibodies directed again
st B7-1 also inhibited proliferation of T cells following stimulation
with concanavalin a or silicon dioxide. These results confirm the T-ce
ll response to silicon dioxide is monocyte-dependent and not a superan
tigen as has been speculated.