The cause of the rapid transition from lush grasslands and woodlands o
f the Early Glacial interstadial to Pleniglacial barrens in Europe is
still a mystery. In the loess sections of Bohemia and Austria this tra
nsition is associated with thin layers of fine-grained airborne dust k
nown as 'markers', believed to be deposited by major continental-scale
dust storms. Here we present evidence that a similar, sharply delimit
ed layer with a minimum TL age of 64.9 +/- 6.9 ka separates the autoch
thonous humus steppe soils from abiogenic sediments of the Achenheim 1
pedocomplex in France. The soil complex has been previously correlate
d on pedostratigraphic grounds with marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS)
5. Given its age and stratigraphic position, the dust layer correlates
with the PKII marker in Bohemia. The recognition of a marker in Achen
heim suggests that the development of the Early Glacial steppe soils e
nded abruptly not only in central Europe, but also in Alsace. France,
prior to 65 ka, possibly as a result of a single continental-scale dus
t storm.