New data indicate that Carniodus is not a separate taxon but the eleme
nts considered to belong to it in reality formed a part of the Pterosp
athodus apparatus. The latter contains 14 elements: Pa, Pb-1, Pb-2, Pc
, M-1 (+ M-2 in P. pennatus procerus), Sc-1, Sc-2, Sc-3, Sb-1, Sb-2, S
a, carnuliform with five morphs, carniciform, and curved element with
three morphs. Two ecologically distinct lineages existed and evolved s
eparately. One lineage (P. amorphognathoides angulatus - P. amorphogna
thoides lennarti ssp. nov. - P. a. lithuanicus - P. a. amorphognathoid
es) dominated open shelf carbonate-terrigeneous environments and the o
ther (P. pennatus pennatus - P. p. procerus) the deeper basinal, grapt
olite-bearing facies. Both lineages evidently originated from a common
ancestral taxon at the top of the P. eopennatus Biozone. Three main e
volutionary intervals, separated by levels at which the most distinct
morphological changes to the elements took place, have been recognized
in the Pterospathodus sequence. Evolution was more rapid, and the mor
phological variation within each population considerably higher, in th
e P, amorphognathoides lineage. P. a. angulatus and P. p. pennatus are
recognized as separate taxa. P. celloni has a short range and origina
ted from the P. pennatus lineage. Five morphologically distinct chrono
logical populations are recognized in the P. a. amorphognathoides rang