This article reviews potential drug interactions that exist between ke
toconazole or fluconazole and other drugs. English-language data sourc
es included human subjects' computerized databases and published index
es. Case reports and studies demonstrate decreased dosage requirements
of cyclosporine sodium, methylprednisolone sodium succinate, and poss
ibly anticoagulants and phenytoin after ketoconazole or fluconazole ad
ministration, suggesting hepatic enzyme inhibition. Increased dosage r
equirements of ketoconazole are necessary after rifampin administratio
n, suggesting rifampin's induction of hepatic microsomal enzymes. Poss
ibly a similar effect may occur with concomitant fluconazole and rifam
pin. The effect of ketoconazole administration on prednisolone sodium
phosphate and theophylline warrants further study. Fluconazole, a more
selective agent for fungal P-450, seems to be of less concern regardi
ng the potential for drug interactions than ketoconazole.