Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a modified, prolonged ca
rdiopulmonary bypass procedure used to treat newborns who have reversi
ble cardiac or respiratory failure. The venoarterial bypass technique
requires cannulation of both the right carotid artery and the internal
jugular vein, and after decannulation these vessels are permanently l
igated. Left-sided retinal vascular changes after ECMO have been repor
ted, and were attributed to ligation of these vessels. A retrospective
review of the results of ocular examinations of 86 infants who had un
dergone ECMO therapy at Childrens Hospital in Los Angeles between Marc
h 1987 and May, 1991 was conducted. Normal findings were noted in 73 i
nfants. One in had bilateral retinal vascular tortuosity, and 12 infan
ts had incidental ocular findings, but there was no evidence of left-s
ided retinal hemorrhage, venous congestion, or tortuosity. Our results
suggest that left-sided retinal vascular changes after ECMO do not oc
cur, occur only rarely, or clear rapidly and result in no permanent re
tinal damage. To unequivocally rule out the possibility that ECMO can
cause transitory retinal vascular changes, we recommend further prospe
ctive studies, with ocular examinations performed before, during, and
after ECMO.