Live attenuated vaccines prepared from simian immunodeficiency virus (
SIV) have provided the best protective immunity in challenge experimen
ts. In animals vaccinated with attenuated SIV, immune responses may be
elicited owing to endogenous expression of native SIV proteins and/or
antigen presentation in the native replication site of virus. However
, replication-competent viral vaccines raise safety concerns for clini
cal trials in humans. To ensure the safety and maintain the immunogeni
city of a live, attenuated vaccine, we have developed a replication-de
fective HIV pseudotyped with vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (VSV
-G), The polymerase gene of HIV was truncated to construct the replica
tion-defective HIV. This pseudotyped HIV can infect many cell types, i
ncluding human and simian cells, and undergoes only one round of repli
cation. Furthermore, antibody immune response can be detected in mice
immunized with VSV-G-pseudotyped replication-defective HIV.