The crystal structure and some physical properties of KH2PO4 (KDP) cry
stals have been modeled. Partly covalent pair potentials were determin
ed using the MATAPOCS program. The set of parameters obtained was used
to model (the GULP program) the defect region formed upon doping of a
KDP crystal with Fe3+ ions. The potential of the Fe-O interaction was
obtained by structural modeling of hematite. It is confirmed that the
most appropriate position for incorporation of a Fe3+ ion is the posi
tion (0.25 0.35 0.125); the position (0.75 0.22 0.125) is found to be
less probable. It is shown that the distortion of the structure caused
by the incorporation of Fe3+ ions reduces to rotation of PO4-tetrahed
ra adjacent to the Fe3+ cation. The distortions arising in more remote
tetrahedra are insignificant.