Thermal behaviour of a solid sorption generator. The thermal behaviour
of a solid sorption generator of active carbon/alcohol machine, is st
udied during hearing and cooling phases with a preheated air flow. A b
icylindrical walls generator that contains 0.9 kg of a granular adsorb
ent in the presence of residual gas is tested during a cycle of an ave
rage duration of 3 hours; the grains of active carbon are rod-shaped o
f 0.003 m diameter and 0.008 m average length. the thermal contact con
ductance of adsorbent to the wall has an important influence on the ra
te of heat transfer between the generator and the external source of h
eat. In the absence of alcohol, heat transfer occuring without mass tr
ansfer in active carbon is essentially due to the conduction. A numeri
cal bidimensional model allows one to justify experimentally the obser
ved evolution and proposes thermal contact: conductance between active
carbon pellets and the generator wall. A parametric study of the ther
mal contact conductance gives 6.5 W.m(-2).K-1 as the best value. A sim
ulation of heating and cooling phases with average conductance values
between 5 and 30 W.m(-2).K-1 gives model estimated heating and cooling
phases duration. (C) Elsevier, Paris.