Children with arrested, shunted, and no hydrocephalus were compared on
verbal and nonverbal memory tasks assessing multiple components of me
mory. A gradient of severity was hypothesized, with the shunted hydroc
ephalus group expected to exhibit the most significant memory impairme
nts and the arrested group expected to perform more poorly than childr
en with no hydrocephalus. Etiologies of prematurity, spina bifida, and
aqueductal stenosis were represented by 157 participants. Results sup
ported the hypothesis; the shunted hydrocephalus group performed poore
r on all memory measures. Differences for the arrested group were less
frequently statistically significant relative to children with no hyd
rocephalus. Irrespective of etiology, the shunted hydrocephalus group
exhibited a pattern of performance suggestive of encoding and retrieva
l deficits on both verbal and nonverbal tasks, showing a pervasive dis
turbance of memory processes.