The 'winged helix' or 'forkhead' transcription factor gene family is d
efined by a common 100-amino-acid DNA-binding motif. Here, we describe
the chromosomal position, start site of transcription, sequence and a
dult expression pattern of the mouse Fkh1/Mf1 (Forkhead homologue 1/me
soderm/mesenchyme forkhead 1) gene. This gene contains one exon and en
codes a protein of 553 amino acids that is highly related to the mouse
MFH1 protein. The Fkh1/Mf1 mRNA is expressed widely in adult tissues.
Linkage analysis showed that the Fkh1/Mf1 gene is localized to chromo
some 13 at 17.02 cM from the centromer, in close proximity to Bmp6 and
Hfh1, another distinct member of the winged helix gene family. (C) 19
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