Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has enabled the identification of neu
ronal migration disorders in living subjects. This represents an impor
tant achievement in the diagnosis of patients with these anomalies. At
least five affected families with coexistent subcortical laminar hete
rotopia and lissencephaly have been reported recently. This associatio
n suggests an X-linked pattern of inheritance. In the family that we r
eport, the mother suffered from epilepsy and the oldest daughter from
epilepsy and mental retardation. Both patients showed subcortical lami
nar heterotopia on MRI. The youngest son presented a severe encephalop
athy with early onset seizures, and was found to show lissencephaly on
MRI. The other two siblings, a boy and a girl, had no neurological ab
normalities. The severity of these patients' clinical symptoms were cl
early related to MRI findings.