Loss of functioning on complex tasks of daily living is an early indic
ator of dementia. The performance of 65 older adults with mild to mode
rate levels of Alzheimer's disease was examined on the Everyday Proble
ms Test for the Cognitively Challenged Elderly (EPCCE), self-report in
ventories of functional performance, and a broad battery of clinical a
nd neuropsychological measures. The EPCCE was designed to assess older
adults on a set of complex tasks of daily living that involved not on
ly global cognitive processes, but also higher-order executive functio
ns. Participants solved an average of 45% of EPCCE tasks with signific
ant differences in scores by disease severity. Performance was signifi
cantly related to global cognitive functioning and disease severity, a
nd in particular to executive functions. Significant additional varian
ce was accounted for by these executive functions beyond the variance
accounted for by global cognitive measures.