With the aim of examining crossability of durum wheat with maize, two
sets of durum wheat genotypes and a set of D-genome chromosome substit
ution lines of the durum wheat variety 'Langdon' were crossed with mai
ze, and followed by 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) treatment i
n detached-tiller culture: In crosses of 25 durum wheat genotypes (bre
eding lines) with maize, percent frequencies of embryo formation incre
ased from 1.4% to 2.8% by adding silver nitrate to the detached-tiller
culture solution. In crosses of 32 durum wheat genotypes (advanced li
nes and varieties) with maize using the silver nitrate addition, frequ
encies of embryo formation ranged from 0.0% to 15.8%; seven genotypes
showing more than 6.0% embryo formation frequency were related in thei
r pedigrees. In crosses of a set of chromosome substitution lines with
maize, higher frequencies of embryo formation were obtained in substi
tution lines with chromosomes 1D, 3D, 4D and 7D. These results suggest
that 1) adding silver nitrate to the 2,4-D treatment increases overal
l frequency of embryo formation but is not effective enough to induce
the development of seeds and embryos from all durum wheat genotypes, a
nd 2) some D-genome chromosomes substituted in a durum wheat genetic b
ackground may enhance crossability with maize in combination with homo
eologous chromosomes of durum wheat.