Chi abbia reso vittima chi. Una lettura del libro di Ivan Populizio "Una comunità all'ombra del diritto"

Alberto Giasanti, Chi abbia reso vittima chi. Una lettura del libro di Ivan Populizio "Una comunità all'ombra del diritto", Sociologia del diritto , 34(1), 2007, pp. 179-187
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ISSN journal
Year of publication
179 - 187
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This article refers to Ivan Populizio's book A community in the shadow of law, which studies social mediation and informal justice in the American model and in Italian experience. In the first part of the book, the author describes three ideal type of mediation: mediation in a negotiation, community mediation and therapeutic mediation. In the second part, the author describes a qualitative research conducted in social mediation centres in Italy. An interesting element emerges from this research: all the Italian centres except one refer to a model of mediation elaborated in France by Jacqueline Morineau, who organised the "Centre de médiation et de la formation à la médiation" in Paris. The article ends with a proposal. The Morineau model's spirit of mediation can be imagined making a real contribution in the near future, in a geographical area where the mutual projections of the shadow of law are so violent and the denial of reciprocal acknowledgement so total as to crystallise into autonomous, negative forces bent on mutual destruction. The area in question in Palestine and the destructive process the Israeli-Palestinian conflict