The tissue allocation hypothesis states that functional maturity and r
apid embryonic growth are incompatible at the tissue level. This could
explain why precocial birds, which have more mature tissues at hatchi
ng, grow more slowly than altricial birds. We evaluated this hypothesi
s in Greater Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica), which nest in t
he high arctic where the growing season is very short. We examined gro
wth patterns and dry-matter content (an index of tissue maturation) of
various tissues, and the accumulation of fat in 176 goslings collecte
d from hatch on Bylot Island, Northwest Territories, to their staging
area at Cap-Tourmente, Quebec (1 to 110 days). The mass-specific growt
h constant (K = 0.093) of goslings was among the highest of all precoc
ial birds, including ducks. Goslings fledged at only 68% of adult mass
, a low value compared with other species. The timing and rate of grow
th differed among tissues, indicating major shifts in the allocation o
f protein during growth. Growth rates for body mass, body ash, and tot
al body protein were moderate. Leg muscles and digestive organs had an
early and rapid growth rate. Breast muscles had one of the highest gr
owth rates but started to grow very late. Fat accumulation began after
fledging, forcing goslings to start southward migration with very lit
tle fat reserves. In early-growing tissues (digestive organs and leg m
uscles), water content was low at hatch, peaked before fledging, and d
ecreased thereafter. This contrasts with the typical pattern in birds
of peak values at hatch followed by a monotonic decline during growth.
The high dry-matter content of tissues at hatch could be an adaptatio
n to increase thermogenesis of goslings in cold water. A strong invers
e relationship between exponential growth rate and functional maturity
was found in breast muscles but was absent in early-maturing tissues.
Ecological factors seem more important than embryonic constraints in
explaining fast growth rates in geese.