The named Australian species of Nepticulidae are redescribed and illus
trated. The genitalia of all but one species are described and illustr
ated, in most cases for the first time. Of the 16 species treated, 13
belong to the probably endemic genus Pectinivalva Scoble: P. caenodora
(Meyrick), P. chalcitis (Meyrick), P. commoni Scoble, P. endocapna (M
eyrick), P. gilva (Meyrick), P. melanotis (Meyrick), P. anazona (Meyri
ck), P. funeralis (Meyrick), P. libera (Meyrick), Ft planetis (Meyrick
), P. primigena (Meyrick), P. trepida (Meyrick) and P. warburtonensis
(Wilson). The remaining three are referable to the worldwide genus Sti
gmella Schrank: S. leucargyra (Meyrick), S. phyllanthina (Meyrick) and
S. symmora (Meyrick). Pec tinivalva is provisionally split into two i
nformal species groups (the 'commoni' group and the 'funeralis' group)
, and a diagnosis is provided for these. Brief details of biology are
given where known.