1. One of the most important issues in the field of hypertension resea
rch centres on the therapeutic use of inhibitors of the renin-angioten
sin system (RAS), Inhibitors of the RAS have potent anti-hypertensive
effects, even in experimental models of hypertension and in human esse
ntial hypertension, where the activity of the peripheral RAS is low or
normal. 2. It is suggested here that determining the mechanisms by wh
ich activation of the peripheral RAS produces hypertension will help u
s determine the anti-hypertensive effects of these inhibitors in low/n
ormal renin-angiotensin hypertension. 3. Three hypotheses describing t
he hypertensive effects of angiotensin are discussed. The first hypoth
esis involves the direct vasoconstrictor effects of angiotensin, The s
econd hypothesis suggests that chronic angiotensin produces hypertensi
on by increasing Na+ reabsorption leading to volume expansion and hype
rtension. The final hypothesis suggests that, in angiotensin-induced h
ypertension, the increased Na+ reabsorption is not associated with vol
ume expansion but, rather, is associated with an increase in vascular
tone resulting from an interaction between angiotensin and the nervous
system. 4. It is also hypothesized that the interaction between angio
tensin and the nervous system produces a differential activation of sy
mpathetic outflow that spares the kidney.