Here we discuss the opinion on disclosure issues (respect for confiden
tiality) of Mexican professionals working in clinical genetics. The in
formation was obtained from a comprehensive survey on genetics, ethics
and society organized by Wertz and Fletcher in 1993, in which genetic
ists from 37 nations participated. The responses to 18 questions from
64 of 89 (72%) geneticists invited to participate were analyzed for th
is paper. The questions were directed to investigate: a) disclosure of
clinically relevant information in several situations such as testicu
lar feminization syndrome, mosaic de novo balanced translocation in a
fetus, or accidental discovery of non-paternity; b) the protection of
patient's privacy from the spouse or blood relatives; and c) confident
iality in cases with high genetic risk to relatives. The results revea
l significant disparity between general responses related to disclosur
e of all clinically relevant information and specific responses in par
ticular cases. In addition, professionals appear to give higher priori
ty to protecting the spouse, blood relatives or public safety, rather
than the patient's confidentiality.